Thursday, February 17, 2011

the full english

nurgataguse sainsbury locali rämpstoidu leti ees seisab umbes auväärsetes viiekümnendates paar: mees on hallides viigipükstes, pintsaku ja soniga, naine kannab kübarat, pikka mantlit ja käekotikest. väga traditsioonilised, omamoodi armsad. mees osutab ühele priske väljanägemisega koguperepitsale ja alustab:

"i want that pizza..."
"me too..."
"shall we get that pizza?"
"yes. let's..."
"but one is for four quid and three is for ten quid..."
"what are we going to do with three large pizzas?"
"honey, i have a hangover, from last night, in the pub..."
"me too..."
"shall we get all three then?"
"isn't it a bit expensive?"
"it is, but it won't kill us."
"then let's..."


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